Batt Insulation

You can obtain energy savings by making your house more energy-efficient, and one of the best methods is using eco-friendly batt insulation. Its efficiency in offering good insulation has made it very popular, and about 85% of Americans use it in their attics. Here are the special benefits of batt insulation and why you should also use it in your home.

Understanding Batt Insulation

Batt insulation is a method of air conditioning that involves using batts or rolls of insulating material. These rolls are designed from high-quality insulating materials, mainly fiberglass, that are installed in the walls and attic floor to prevent heat transfer either into or out of your house.

Although batt insulation rolls are mainly prepared from fiberglass, they can also be made from other materials, such as rock wool. These materials are processed further by combining them with recycled materials to make them eco-friendly and enhance insulation capability. 


The most distinguishing feature of batt insulation is the flat outlook that makes it easy to fit them on the wall or floor to provide the insulation you want in your house. Like other insulation materials, batts are rated on an R-Value scale, which is the measure of their effectiveness to prevent heat transfer. Simply put, the thicker the batts, the better. You might also consider using several batts to increase the efficiency of insulation.

When you order batts, they mainly come in flat pieces, which are very effective for use in the attics and walls. However, they may also come with foil-facing design to make them more effective. So, make sure to select the preferred option well depending on the climate in your area.Another awesome feature of batt insulation is that in addition to blocking airflow, it also helps to block sound from getting through.  


Insulating your house with high-quality batts is one or the most cost-effective methods of making it eco-friendly. Other special benefits of using batt insulation include: 

  • Durable.
  • Eco-friendly. 
  • Can be installed pretty fast. 
  • Affordable. 
  • Offers additional sound control. 
  • Moisture and fire resistant.
  • A great way to reduce load on your HVAC system. 
  • Helps improve the value of your home. 

To make your home more energy efficient, you should start with batt insulation. It is affordable, yet highly effective in reducing energy consumption and heat transfer.